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  Webinar Schedule and Participant Guide

Webinar Dates

In 2025, this course will be offered live for 6-weeks on Mondays from 7:00 – 8:00 PM (Eastern) from February 24 – March 31. While we encourage live attendance, so you have the opportunity to engage with presenters and ask questions, all webinars are recorded and posted in the online classroom to watch anytime. Once enrolled in this course, you will retain access to all materials indefinitely, and can return to participate in the live webinars in future offerings of the course if you wish. Join us!

Weekly Topics

First Webinar:

Topic: Brief Course Orientation and Risk Management

Second Webinar:

Topic: Legal Liabilities of Operating a Farm and Selling Farm Products  

Third Webinar:

Topic: Insurance

Fourth Webinar:

Topic: Business Structure

Fifth Webinar:

Topic: Rules and regulations for specific crops/value added Vegetable/Fruit Value Added

Final Webinar:

Topic: Income Tax and Wrap-up

Webinar Participants' Guide

Zoom Participant’s Guide.pdf
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