BF 103: Taking Care of Business
Understanding the Business, Tax, and Regulatory Implications of Your Farm
Enroll in Course
Understanding the Business, Tax, and Regulatory Implications of Your Farm
This course helps early stage farmers assess and manage a variety of risks that they will face. Throughout the six weeks of the course, we will discuss topics essential for operating a viable farm business, including insurance coverage, business structures and tax information.
Target Audience
Beginner – This is an intro-level course supports aspiring and beginning farmers seeking to learn about the commercial, legal and tax implications of farming. Farmers outside NYS are welcome to take the course, but should know that extra legwork will be required on their part to determine the parallel agencies and regulations that apply in their state.
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, you will know how to:
- Describe five risks that farmers need to regularly address
- Comprehend the legal liabilities of operating a farm and selling agricultural products
- Find the resources necessary to better understand income and sales tax regulations for operating a farm.
- Evaluate various forms of business ownership and determine which will be best for you at this time
- Identify rules and regulations (for marketing, food safety, facilities, etc) that are pertinent to the type of agricultural enterprise you plan to operate
- Use insurance as a risk management tool
The bulk of the course happens on your own time, with discussions, readings, and assignments in Teachable, our virtual classroom. To add to the experience, webinars will be woven into the online interface of the course to allow you to meet on a weekly basis to learn from presenters and ask questions in real time. If you miss one, they are always recorded and posted for later viewing.
Webinar Schedule
In 2025, this course will be offered live for 6-weeks on Mondays from 7:00 – 8:00 PM (Eastern) from February 24 – March 31. While we encourage live attendance, so you have the opportunity to engage with presenters and ask questions, all webinars are recorded and posted in the online classroom to watch anytime. Once enrolled in this course, you will retain access to all materials indefinitely, and can return to participate in the live webinars in future offerings of the course if you wish. Join us!
Your Instructor
Steve Hadcock is a Cornell Cooperative Extension Educator with the
Capital Area Agricultural and Horticulture Program in NY with educational
responsibility for working with new and beginning farmers. He provides
education on an individual and group basis to those interested in
beginning a farm and for those who have been farming for less than 10
Lynn Bliven
is the Agriculture & Natural Resource Issue Leader for Cornell Cooperative
Extension in Allegany County, NY. She began her career in 4-H and currently
works in Agricultural Economic Development, specializing in beginning farmer
outreach, local food systems and livestock production. Lynn and husband Shawn
operate a 52 acre farm in Rushford, NY raising grass-fed beef and lamb.
Student Testimonials
"All of the weekly presentations were so valuable. After every session I spent several hours considering what I had heard and how I was operating–or not operating–accordingly."
"As a new farmer all I wanted to think about was the production side
of things. The topics in this course are not sexy, but they are so
important to educate yourself on. I think this course should be a
requirement for every new farmer."
"I appreciated all of the tax information. This class had amazing speakers!"
Course Curriculum
StartWeek 1 - Zoom Link, Webinar Recording and Slides
StartFORUM: Introduce Yourself: Meet Your Peers
StartTest Yourself: What Do You Know?
StartVideo: Farmers Talk About Regulations, Taxes, & Insurance
StartGuide to Farming in NY: Risk Management Fact Sheet
StartACTIVITY and FORUM: Where Are You Vulnerable? What Will You Work on?
StartRisk Management Resources
StartFORUM: What Would You Like to Know About Legal Liabilities?
StartWeek 2 Webinar Slides, Join Link, and Recording
StartFood Safety: What You Need to Know
StartLabor Laws: What You Need to Know
StartIn-Depth Information at Farm Commons
StartFarm Leasing Resources
StartFORUM: What Legal Liabilities Most Concern You?
StartFORUM: What Would You Like to Know About Insurance for Farm Businesses??