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BF 223: Introduction to Tree Fruit Production
General Course Resources
Instructor Contact
Webinar Schedule and Participant Guide
Pre-Course Survey
Favorite General Orcharding Resources
Cider Resources
Additional Tree Fruits and Tree Nuts
Kiva U.S. - 0% Interest Loans up to $15,000
Navigating in Teachable; Getting a Course Completion Certificate; and More
FORUM: Introduce Yourself; Meet Your Peers
Week 1: Basic Botany, Your Orchard Goals, and Business Planning
Week 1 Webinar Link, Slides, and Recording
Meet Black Diamond Orchard
Week 1 Additional Resources
QUIZ: Complete Following Week 1 Lecture
ACTIVITY and FORUM: Industry Trends and Grower Stories
Week 2: Site Evaluation, Prep, and Establishment
Week 2 Webinar Link, Slides, and Recording
Site Evaluation: The Basics
Is My Site Right? Tools for Assessing a Potential Orchard Site
QUIZ: Site Selection and Prep (complete after March 6)
ACTIVITY and FORUM: Siting Your Orchard
Week 3: Varieties, Rootstocks, and Training Systems
Week 3 Webinar Link, Slides, and Recording
Resources for Choosing Cultivars and Rootstocks
Orchard Training Systems
Quiz: Complete Following Week 3 Lecture
ACTIVITY and FORUM: Cultivars, Rootstocks, and Training Systems for Your Orchard
Week 4: Cultural Management
Week 4 Webinar Slides, Link and Recording
Pruning Videos to Watch Before Lecture
"Cookbook" Training Guidelines
Trellis Building Resources
Thinning Resources
Nutrient Management Resources
Pruning Old, Neglected Apple Trees
Grafting and Propagating Fruit Trees
Quiz: Complete Following Week 4 Lecture
ACTIVITY and FORUM: Horticultural Tasks
ACTIVITY and FORUM: Read ahead and comment before Week 5 webinar
Week 5: Pest Management and IPM
Week 5 Webinar Link, Slides and Recording
IPM - some foundational resources
IPM - digging deeper
Orchard IPM References for Farmers Outside the NE US
Video: Scouting Procedure for Scab and Red Mites
QUIZ: Pest Management and IPM
ACTIVITY and FORUM: Pest Management
Week 6: The Harvest!
Week 6 Webinar Link, Slides and Recording
Harvest Management Resources
Apple Maturity Indicators Video
Peach Maturity Indicators Video
Direct Marketing Resources
Black Diamond Farm: Harvest, Storage, and Markets
QUIZ: Harvest
ACTIVITY and FORUM: Harvest Considerations
Additional ACTIVITY and FORUM: Reach out to your local extension!
Post-Course Survey: Complete for a Chance to Win!
Keep Your Orchard Healthy
Considering Bees for Your Orchard?
Special Offer!
Staying Connected After This Course Ends
Apple Maturity Indicators Video
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