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BF 220: Season Extension with High Tunnels
General Course Resources
Instructor Contact
Webinar Schedule and Participants' Guide
Pre-Course Survey
Kiva US - 0% interest loans up to $15,000
FORUM: Please introduce yourself
Navigating in Teachable; Getting a Course Completion Certificate; and More
Week 1: Site and Structures
Webinar Link, Slides, and Recording
FORUM: High Tunnel Structure Discussion
Site Selection Tips
High Tunnel Suppliers and Info Sources
How to Build a High Tunnel or Caterpillar Tunnel
Avoiding Structural Failures
QUIZ: Site & Structures
Week 2: Soil Health & Fertility Management in High Tunnels
Webinar Link, Slides, and Recording
Soil Testing - How To's
Web Soil Surveys - How to Use and Navigate Them
ACTIVITY - Soil testing
Soil and Foliar Nutrition Resources
FORUM: High Tunnel Challenges and Opportunities
Expand Your Knowledge of Soil Health in BF 110
Week 3: Warm Season Crops
Webinar Link, Slides, and Recording
What to Plant in my High Tunnel?
FORUM: Your Experience or Plans for Warm-Weather Crops
Tomato Varieties, Pruning and Grafting
Cucurbit Crops: Cucumbers and Melons
QUIZ: Warm Season Crops
FORUM: What to Cover in Our Last Class?
Week 4: Cold Season Crops
Webinar Link, Slides, and Recording
FORUM: Cold Season Crop Experience
QUIZ: Cool Season Crops
Recommended Resources for Winter Growing
Additional Resources for Cold Season Growing
Week 5: Pest Control and Trouble Shooting
Webinar Link and Recording
FORUM: What's Bugging You?
Resources: Pest Management in High Tunnels
Resources: Disease Management in High Tunnels
QUIZ for review of pests and diseases
Week 6: Pulling it all Together
Week 6 Webinar Link, Slides, and Recording
IMPORTANT: Post-course Survey - Complete for a Chance to Win!
Resources: Cost of Production and Enterprise Budgets
Drip Irrigation set up
Crop Rotations and Planning
Staying Connected After This Course Ends
FORUM: Final Q&A
Additional Resources
Other Crops for High Tunnels
High Tunnel Berries
Grant Possibilities
Post Harvest and Wash/Pack Line Considerations
Cut Flowers in High Tunnels
Avoiding Structural Failures
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